Friday, January 29, 2010

Stay Tuned

With all this spare time I have as a new mommy, I like creating little video montages of Cora and her favorite people and mutt puppy.  Those of you who are facebook friends have probably already seen these two, but just in case you haven't, here they are again.

12 Days of Cora from Amanda Bennett on Vimeo.

Supposed to Be from Amanda Bennett on Vimeo.

Folks have been asking for another video.  So without further ado, here's the latest edition for your viewing pleasure!

Home with Cora Wren from Amanda Bennett on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

You've Got To Start Somewhere

It’s safe to say Cora Wren got ripped off when it comes to parents. We are rookies in every sense of the word. Sure, we have good intentions, but for the most part we have no clue what we are doing and just get by on trial and error. It’s been a baptism by fire; learning how to change diapers, managing feedings, give baths, stop the crying, and find the right place to snap the snaps on those little sleeper outfits have all been hard lessons for us. Plus there are all those things we need/want to do and never find time to do it because we are knee deep in dirty diapers. For example, I’ve been reading other baby blogs and thought, “I should do one of these things”. Well, that was about 3 months ago, and I’m just now getting around to it. Cora has admirers all over the globe, and I thought blogging would be a great way to keep you all updated on her latest adventures.

So, for starters, let’s recap the past 4 months. Cora was born Friday, September 25th at 3:49 pm. She was 8 lbs and 14 ozs and 20 ¼ inches long and filled the world with happiness that I never dreamt possible. She was perfect in every way and came home 24 hours later. This is when things really started to get interesting. The first night she was home, she slept. What? I thought babies were supposed to cry and be up all night. Not our girl. She wanted to catch some serious zzz’s. But Daniel and I were sleepless and restless. We stayed up all night, completely exhausted from the past few days, weeks, and months, but unable to take our eyes off of our little girl. She was finally home and too small and perfect to leave there all alone in her crib. Eventually we became comfortable with her being there and started getting some sleep ourselves. Now, I long for those sleep-filled nights. Since about 3 months of age, she wakes up a couple of times a night for feedings.

Although completely jipped on her parents, Cora hit the jackpot when it comes to her grandparents. Indeed they are grand. My mom (Mama Mae) and Daniel’s mom (Nonny/Not/G-Mama/G-Not/etc…Rosy’s had a hard time coming up with her grandmother name, so you can vote on your favorite) take turns keeping her throughout the week as I went back to fulltime employment December 1st. This girl gets so much special, one-on-one attention from these ladies that there is no doubt that she is going to be spoiled rotten. When I get home from work, I frequently find her in her “When Mommy says no, ask Grandma” onesie. Daniel’s dad (Poppy) taught us the best colic remedy in the world…fridge sitting. Yep. Put the baby on top of the fridge, hold her there for a few seconds, and she quits crying and starts laughing. Can you believe that? Anyway, they totally rock. We are pretty convinced that these are not the same people who raised us. They must be body doubles or something.

Anyway, back to Cora. These days she can do some pretty cool stuff. She’s holding her head up and becoming more of a fan of tummy time. She can almost reach the floor when sitting in her jump-a-roo. She chews her hands and can touch her toes. But best of all she smiles almost all of the time. She smiles with her whole body too. Her ears and shoulders go up, her mouth opens wide, and she curls up in the most adorable way. I’m such a huge fan of that toothless grin. It will truly melt your heart.

I’ll try to update often and keep you posted, but who knows how far this little blog will take us. Suffice it to say, we’re off to a good start and I look forward to the memories to come.